EPDA 2017 Winners Announced at European Parliament

April 12, 2017 – Winners of the first European Product Design Award were announced at the European Parliament. At the ceremony, winners were all smiles. The Product Design of the Year award was won by Kengo Kuma and Associates for CHIDORI. Miniki for MINIKI SLIMLINE won the Design Innovation of the Year award, while the Design for Humanity Award went to Wideblue Ltd for PEEK RETINA. Anna Haldewang from Savannah College of Art and Design won the Discovery of the Year award.

EPDA president, Hossein Farmani, in a speech at the awards, was elated and stated,”The quality and creativity of designs from both professional designers and students was exceptional. We are very happy to bring these great product designs to the world’s attention. Having the winner’s announcements at the EU parliament with over 100 designers added another level of excellence to our new award.”

Sandro Serenari, e-qo president was also a speaker at the awards. According to him, “We supported the EPDA in organizing a successful award ceremony at the European Parliament so as to grant the final ceremony the institutional environment that talented and brave designers deserve.”

European Product Design Award (EPDA) is an award that rewards the strategic thinking and imagination which goes into creating a great product. The award also recognizes the efforts of talented designers and design teams who aim to improve our daily lives with practical and beautiful creations, designed to solve a problem, make life easier or simply spread joy. The European Product Design Award chronicles the most eminent trends in product design worldwide. Over 500 entries from 43 countries presented inventions ranging from products to packaging designs to design concepts and prototypes. The entries were assessed by a specialist jury of luminary. The jury board of trustees is made up of free designers, customers, design educators and editors who are dedicated to splendor in design. Notable amongst them are Bart Ruijpers (VP of Design and Branding at EOS products), Lawrence Abrahamson, Hayo Gebauer, Oscar Peña, and Yuka Yoneda (Managing Editor, Inhabitat). The Evaluation depends on a scope of criteria that are continually adjusted to current models.

Photos from the event can be seen at:


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