Country Pick 2021
/ Professional
The Time Machine Table Lamp

PrizesWinner in Illumination/Illuminated Home Decor
CompanyShenzhen Explore Home Industrial Design Co., Ltd, China
Lead DesignerRen Peng
Design TeamChu DongDong,Liu Bei,Weng Hang,Nancy
ClientShenzhen Explore Home Industrial Design Co., Ltd
Project Link
It is an interactive table light that communicates a feeling of “careful! time is passing”. Apart from using the shape of a traditional hourglass, it also has a function of timing: Rotate the lighting area, start timing when the light’s on. To turn it on again, long push the bottom or re-rotate the lighting area. As long as light up the room, The Time Machine also reminds people: time is valuable, it’s passing and never comes back. Procrastination becomes a serious issue of all the youth, the work does not only communicates the importance of time but also plays the role of solving issues.
Photo Credit: Shenzhen Explore Home Industrial Design Co., Ltd