Country Pick 2021
/ Professional
UVC LED Wand Sanitizer

PrizesWinner in Lifestyle and Travel/Wellness and Relaxation Products
CompanyVersogo Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., China
Lead DesignerFubiao Chen
Design TeamZhen Xie
In the current period when 2019-nCov is ravaging the world. We designed UVC LED Wand Sanitizer which is able to to disinfect objects and kill household common viruses and bacteria rate up to over 99.9%. It utilizes UVC light (at 265nm wavelength) to effectively destroys nucleic acids and breaks apart bacteria DNA. With their DNA broken, bacteria can’t function or reproduce, and the organisms die. This wand is small, fashion and portable for home and travel use. It suits ergonomic design to offer good user experience.
Photo Credit: Versogo Technology (shenzhen) Co., Ltd.