Country Pick 2021 / / Student

Doorbell Bracelet for Hearing Impaired

  • Prizes
    Winner in Industrial and Life Science Design/Aids/Prosthetics
  • Lead Designer
    Yichong Ye
  • Design Team
    Jieying Peng, Huan Xu, Xiaoqiang Ye, Kunpeng Jin, Yangwang Li, Meng Chen
  • Other credit
    Guided By: Jialiang Lin, Xin Chen
  • University
    College of Science & Technology Ningbo University
There has always been a vulnerable group around us. Because of their physical defects, they can't live as easily and happily as normal people. We need to pay more attention to these vulnerable groups. In this scheme, a bracelet is designed so that the hearing-impaired can "hear" the knock on the door and the electricity from the mobile phone. When someone knocks or rings the doorbell outside, the bracelet will vibrate and the indicator light will flash. When the mobile phone is connected with the bracelet wirelessly, the ring vibration and indicator light warning will be triggered by the call
Photo Credit: Yichong Ye
Credits: Guided by: Jialiang Lin, Xin Chen
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