Country Pick 2021
/ Professional
CHECKin - Digital Assistant

PrizesWinner in Event Supplies/Kiosks
CompanyPROVOCO, Slovenia
Lead DesignerAndrej Stanta
ClientQuadratura Nordic AB
Project Link
Other creditBackground Photo For Image3 By Roman Tafoya
CHECKin is a stand-alone interactive digital terminal developed for automotive merchants to help them easily and more thoroughly interact with their customers. CHECKin blends physical experiences with technology and turning customer journey into a remarkable user experience while providing merchants with all important information in real-time.
CHECKin’s clean and minimalistic design comes from its functionalities where form follows function and more importantly customer’s experience. CHECKin was designed to seamlessly fit and enhance any relevant interior/exterior ambient.
CHECKin’s clean and minimalistic design comes from its functionalities where form follows function and more importantly customer’s experience. CHECKin was designed to seamlessly fit and enhance any relevant interior/exterior ambient.
Bio PROVOCO provides high end tailored-made design and development services, focusing on brand and product development, rebranding and consulting.
Photo Credit: Provoco
Credits: Background photo for Image3 by Roman Tafoya