Country Pick 2021 / / Professional

wiCow Tsens

  • Prizes
    Winner in Flora and Fauna/Devices, Gadgets or Products not made for humans
  • Company
    muTech GmbH, Germany
  • Lead Designer
    muTech Design Team
  • Client
  • Project Link
Tsens, an intravaginal device, is a major component of wiCow system, in which it collects biological data from cows. The data is sent to the cloud to be processed. The more data Tsenses collect, wiCow gets to know the farm and cows more, so it can suggest solutions regarding the cows' health and farm's health conditions. Tsens is made from medical raw materials so it causes no harm whatsoever to the cows. Replaceable part called wing is soft for contact and acts as a spring resistant to falling from the cows.

Bio MuTech GmbH aims to automate the health control and animal observation in farms. We are a dynamic team composed of engineers, technicians, veterinarians and consultants that each are experts in their own fields. Our team is quite talented on digital farming technology. Besides, we are quite aware of animal farming in terms of technological and traditional methods.

Other prizes Hannover Impuls Award 2019 Startup Impuls Competition Finalist 2020

Photo Credit: Mutech Gmbh
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