Country Pick 2021 / / Professional

Maas Loop

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in Sustainable Living/Environmental Preservation/Recycling Equipment
  • Company
    Ergo Design, Poland
  • Lead Designer
    Ergo Design Team
  • Design Team
    Ergo Design Team
  • Client
    Maas Loop
Maas Loop, a Polish startup that proves that new market niches arise with circular change. The company Maas Loop intends to develop the market of glass waste recovery in gastronomy. Their business consists of selling equipment, operating the system, buying back glass aggregate from their customers and selling it as a raw material for industrial reuse. Their circular business model allows them to make money three times over on something that has previously landed in a landfill. Together with the collection system, it minimizes the space required for glass waste in restaurants and retail chain.
Photo Credit: Ergo Design
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