2017 / Life Science Design / Physical therapy and therapy products / Professional

The Essence Wand

  • Company
    Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė, BRISK, Lithuania
  • Lead Designer
    Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Designer - Barbora Adamonytė-keidūnė. The Essence Wand Was Created While Studying In Vilnius Academy Of Arts.
The Essence Wand is a modular structure of filters soaked with essential oils. This is a
smell design object, intended not for external stimulation but for management of
eating habits and disorders.

Process: the essential oils are soaked into miniature filters, therefore the liquid does
not spill and the Wand can be used on various occasions. The smell is recognized by
a coloured ring that marks the top of each module.

This is an allusion to synesthesia (Ancient Greek – simultaneous sense, joint sense) –
when stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic experiences
in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.

The essential oils, currently enclosed into The Essence Wand:
• Mint – for beating hunger;
• Ginger – for fighting nausea;
• Lemon – for detoxification and rejuvenating energy;
• Orange – tones up the metabolic system and boosts immunity;
• Grapefruit – to increase appetite and digestive health.

The pen-resembling shape of the Essence Wand has been selected due to the object
compatibility and intuitive experience of use. The cap clip can be attached to a binder
or a shirt pocket. It also prevents the Wand from falling off a surface. The threads at
the bottom of each module let you add up or reduce the number of modules, change
their sequence. Modules are made of two component resin.
Photo Credit: Barbora Adamonytė-keidūnė, Brisk
Credits: Designer - Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė. The Essence Wand was created while studying in Vilnius Academy of Arts.