2017 / Home Interior Products / Lighting / Student

Dateline Memory Lamp

  • Company
    Savannah College of Art and Design, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Cody Moore
  • Project Link
  • University
    Savannah College of Art and Design
Datelite subtly reminds you of special moments
through the manipulation of light. Every day the
lamp remains on, emitting a cool glow; but
some days are not like others. During
meaningful days, such as birthdays and
anniversaries, the halo of light spreads farther
across the wall and illuminates the room with
bright light. If you have forgotten the occasion
at hand, simply rotate Datelite
counterclockwise using the raised handle. The
light dims and a simple, hidden display reminds
you. The design of the lamp is very simple, but
meaningful. It is reminiscent of a clock dial, and
under the hand of that dial is the handle from
which you rotate the face. You turn it against
the flow of time to illuminate the display, and
the lamp automatically returns to its starting
position using gravity. The light spreads across
the wall, simultaneously brightening your home
and mind. When you rotate it, the light slowly
dims and “moves” inside the lamp to illuminate
the display. The shape is angled so the user
cannot see the LED panels from the front, and
a distinct texture is located on key points to
engage users and add to the usability of the
product. The Datelite customer experience
begins with entering a date that means
something to you into the paired app. Add the
event and date, as well as the implied
significance that the event has to you. You can
also add a “reminder statement,” a short
message that will be displayed if you forget the
meaning of the day. These wirelessly transfer
to the lamp through bluetooth and are stored
permanently in the devices memory. Most days
of the year are going to be unmarked in the
app, and therefore the wall lamp will not glow
Photo Credit: Savannah College Of Art And Design