2017 / Sustainable Living/environmental Preservation / Residential Sustainable Design / Student


  • Company
    Savannah College of Art and Design, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Abigail Francisco
  • Project Link
  • University
    Savannah College of Art and Design
"Culture" is a product and mobile application
design that unites an age old craft and today's
modern technology. The product design is a
container to hold levain, or culture, that is a live
organism (with specific living conditions) used
in baking bread. Through the application, users
can connect with other "artisans" that have
been baking for years or are eager to learn.
Levain is either baked with or discarded
(because of it's constant growth) so by uniting
experienced bakers with excess levain, and
new, curious individuals who want to get
started, levain is not wasted, tradition is
maintained, and techniques are passed down.
Photo Credit: Savannah College Of Art And Design