2017 / Packaging Design / Beverage / Professional

Vanya Progulkin

  • Lead Designer
    Alexey Seoev
  • Project Link
Could anyone ever imagine that a new brand of
Russian vodka Vanya Progulkin is an amusing
sworn brother to a fabulous Johny Walker!
However it’s known to be a creator of a very
special mood. Design of the label has a lot in
common with Russian woodcut style (Lubok)
comprised of an audacious calligraphy and a
comic element, yet being printed on a premium
paper Constellation Jade. This distinguishes
Vanya Progulkin as an eclectic and vivid brand.
Red-haired Vanya is so abstracted he scarcely
notices the drizzling rain while he hangs around
since meditativeness and easiness make the
essence of Russian national character.
Photo Credit: Alexey Seoev