2018 / Industrial And Life Science Design / Medical/Scientific Machinery / Professional

Design of Defibrillator

  • Company
    i2r design, India
  • Lead Designer
    Suresh Chandrashekaran
  • Design Team
    suresh, ankit and kiran
  • Client
    Skanray Technologies
  • Project Link
A defibrillator is a machine that delivers a therapeutic electric shock to the heart which causes depolarization of the heart muscles and re-establishes normal conduction of the heart’s electrical impulse.

The design looks contemporary and low on foot print, intuitive to use, removing the paddles is hassle free & quick (which is critical during emergencies), large buttons on the fascia are easy to read & use (even for gloved hands), paddle connectors are aptly located so as to be easy to connect yet not come in the way of operations, push & rotate energy selector prevents accidental change.
Photo Credit: I2r Design