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META Workstation - The Ultimate Tattoo Workstation.

CompanyPedro Gomes Design, Portugal
Lead DesignerPedro Gomes Design
ClientPiranha Tattoo Supplies
Driven by people, META Workstation was designed to overcome several tattoo problems and needs of tattoo artists. We listened +200 artists, visited +20 tattoo studios and attended 2 tattoo conventions to gather feedback and create the right tattoo workstation for them.
100% made in Europe, we end up making a bold, minimal, compact and user-friendly workstation. With strong aluminium body, built-in power source, plenty of storage space and unlimited customization possibilities, this tattoo furniture transform the way artists tattoo.
100% made in Europe, we end up making a bold, minimal, compact and user-friendly workstation. With strong aluminium body, built-in power source, plenty of storage space and unlimited customization possibilities, this tattoo furniture transform the way artists tattoo.
Photo Credit: Pedro Gomes Design