2019 / Home Interior Products / Staircase / Professional


  • Prizes
    Gold in Home Interior Products/Staircase
  • Company
    Siller Stairs, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
    Christian Siller
  • Project Link
This staircase has been developed in cooperation with Christian
Siller and the client himself. The client is a famous person in the
fashion industry but his name shall be kept secret.
The idea behind staircase was to create a stair which is almost
invisible but with very explanatory power at the same time. That
meant that only the materials Acrylic and Glass had been at choice.
Glass has the disadvantage that several layers have to be attached to
each other in order to provide sufficient stability and therefore no
homogeneous optic can be achieved. Hence we decided to go for Acrylic + LED
Photo Credit: Siller Stairs
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