/ Children Products
/ Strollers
/ Professional

PrizesWinner in Children Products/Children Products, Winner in Children Products/Strollers
CompanyYuefeng ZHOU Design Studio, China
Lead DesignerYuefeng Zhou
Other creditStroller, Back Seat, Feeding Highchair, Convenienc
The product is inspired by normal childcare life experience in dealing with different childcare products in various conditions. It has an evolutionary system of three combined functions which is different from the traditional ones. When people want to take their children to a park nearby, it shows the original function. People may also choose biking, an environmentally friendly travel mode, and put it in the back seat. It can evolve to a feeding highchair in any place if the child feels hungry. Its evolutionary characteristic achieves safety, convenience, and cool appearance.
Photo Credit: Yuefeng Zhou Design Studio
Credits: Stroller, Back Seat, Feeding Highchair, Convenienc