2022 / Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Bicycle and Bicycle Accessories / Professional

Superstrata bike and e-bike

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in Outdoor and Exercise Equipment/Bicycle and Bicycle Accessories
  • Company
    AREVO, United States
  • Lead Designer
  • Design Team
  • Project Link
As the world’s first 3D-printed, all-carbon fiber, custom-fit bike, Superstrata is an impeccable combination of additive manufacturing and green mobility. The bike realizes an eye-catching no-seat-tube frame design, without compromising strength and performance, by employing the potential of 3D printing and next-generation carbon fiber thermoplastics. The technology further enables customization to body measurements, resulting in a bike that is irresistibly unique to the owner. Representing a balance of feasibility, aesthetics, and function, Superstrata is a premium choice for avid cyclists.
Photo Credit: Arevo
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