2023 / Outdoor / Outdoor Equipment: Plants and Garden Hand Tools / Professional

Cordless Electric Prunners

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in OUTDOOR/Outdoor Equipment: Plants and Garden Hand Tools
  • Company
    Bigd Design That Matters, Spain
  • Lead Designer
    Jesús Escudero (bigD) and Asier Garate (Bellota)
  • Design Team
    Adrian Larripa, bigD Team
  • Client
  • Other credit
    A.garate, B.rodriguez, A.lodeiro (bellota)
Bellota brand is a market leader in professional agriculture and construction tools.

Their previous EPR232P and EPR237P cordless electric prunners were manufactured by a third party for them, but also for their competitors.

Designing a custom product for them that could improve functional aspects and aesthetics was the challenge for bigD. In the process, we worked with Bellota's User Experts to test the prototypes and iterate to the best design possible.

The new product design integrates into Bellota's portfolio guided by an elaborated VBL.

Other prizes
+ 20 International design awards including: - Red Dot - If Design Award - German Design Award - Good Design Award - European Design Award - Delta Design Award (Spain) - and many more

Photo Credit: Bigd Design That Matters
Credits: A.Garate, B.Rodriguez, A.Lodeiro (Bellota)