2024 / Personal / Personal Care, Wellness and Beauty / Professional

Silicone wash bag

  • Prizes
    Winner in PERSONAL/Personal Care, Wellness and Beauty
  • Company
    Bolin Webb, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
    WMP Creative
  • Project Link
The silicone wash bag brings an innovative combination of materials and product features to this travel accessory. Designed for both weekends away and trips further afield, the bag comfortably holds personal effects from electric toothbrush, deodorant and shaving foam to razor and case.

Elegant modern lines combined with a unique organic wave shaped into its base. When open, the outer shell splits into two half trays to allow easy access and a clear view of contents. The bag contains a removable pouch with two pockets to hold smaller items.

Bio Design excellence is the cornerstone of Bolin Webb. We aim to conceive and develop luxury razors and accessories that stand out in terms of appearance, handling and performance. Design excellence takes time, team work and a strong commitment to find the perfect solution.

Other prizes https://bolinwebb.com/pages/awards

Photo Credit: Bolin Webb
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