2019 / Flora And Fauna / Garden Tools / Professional

Kikka Digga Backsaver Digging Attachment Tool for Garden Forks & Spades

  • Prizes
    Silver in Design for Society/Design for Elders, Silver in Flora and fauna/Garden Tools
  • Company
    Kikka Digga, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
    Nick Skaliotis
  • Design Team
    Nick Skaliotis
  • Client
  • Project Link
Whilst digging in the garden using a traditional garden fork, I felt the task was laborious and back straining, after trying different methods and even a rotovator and tiller none served their purpose as well as they should have. I simply applied Archimedes law of levers to the garden fork and spade design, which hasn't changed since time itself, I took my idea to a local blacksmith who was just as crazy as myself, fabricated the design. After much initial research and development by me, the result was Kikka Digga. The name came about when I used to ride motor-scooters, the kick start method!
Photo Credit: Kikka Digga
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