2019 / Home Interior Products / Kitchen Furniture / Professional


  • Prizes
    Platinum in Design for Society/Design for Sustainability, Gold in Home Interior Products/Kitchen Furniture
  • Company
    Reform, Denmark
  • Lead Designer
    Jeppe Christensen and Michael Andersen
  • Design Team
    Lendager Group
  • Project Link
Reform’s founders had a big wish to offer a sustainable kitchen design. Therefore, they teamed up with Danish Lendager Group-one of the leading architecture companies when it comes to circular economics in sustainable buildings around the world. UP is a high-quality circular kitchen with surplus wood from the exclusive and world-renowned flooring manufacturer Dinesen. Reform is a smarter way to build a kitchen - the dimensions of UP fit IKEA kitchen measures and make it possible to combine the best of two worlds. Rebuild with a sustainable solution. Small changes make it all.
Photo Credit: Reform
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