2019 / Industrial And Life Science Design / Aids/Prosthetics / Professional


  • Prizes
    Gold in Industrial and Life Science Design/Aids/Prosthetics
  • Company
    Pars Pro Toto, your growth, our design, Belgium
  • Lead Designer
    Pars Pro Toto
  • Design Team
    Pars Pro Toto
  • Client
    Jabbla, we all have a voice
  • Project Link
Communicating…making yourself heard…interacting…
For some people, communication is always going to be a challenge.

Vibe is the showpiece for active users. Its practical size makes this lightweight device a highly portable communication tool. With an integrated display at both the front and back, we can speak of a unique device in the field of augmentative communication. The internal second display on the back makes it easier to communicate in a natural way. Face-to-face communication with friends, family and carers becomes more natural.
Photo Credit: Pars Pro Toto, Your Growth, Our Design
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