2020 / Design For Society / Eco-Sustainable Design / Professional


  • Prizes
    Winner in Design for Society/Eco-Sustainable Design
  • Company
    Minarc, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdottir / Tryggvi Thorsteinsson
  • Design Team
  • Other credit
    Photos By Art Gray
ReFlow, the lightweight recycled rubber sink, is made from recycled rubber tires. It's simplistic design is focused on sustainability and functionality. The sheet is stretched over a base frame and anchored down by the drain, creating a shallow sloped surface for water to disperse, guided by the natural topography of the sheet to define the slope, leading directly into the toilet. This allows for the water used while washing your hands to be repurposed and reused.
Photo Credit: Minarc
Credits: Photos by Art Gray
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