Foldylock Compact

PrizesWinner in Lifestyle and Travel/Comfort and Security Items
CompanyIno-Vision, Israel
Lead DesignerMicheal Shenkerman
Design TeamShahaf Levavi
Project Link
Bio We try to be the best in everything we do. We focus our energy and resources to be better and better each day that passes. We understand that doing that requires attention to small details, listening to our growing community of costumers and simply be passionate about making great products. Each one of our products stands out in its unique design and in its innovative concept - We invest a lot of efforts in making our products both user friendly and tough, so we can proudly and confidently say that each one is the best in its category.
Other prizes One of our newest products, SeatyGo - a Patented Bicycle seat, had won the RedDot design award 2020, in the Product design category. it is going to be published on June 22 Other product - Foldylock Clipster, had won the Taipei Cycle d&i Award 2018 - By IF