2020 / Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Bicycle and bicycle accessories / Professional

Bontrager WaveCel Helmets

  • Prizes
    Winner in Outdoor and Exercise Equipment/Bicycle and bicycle accessories
  • Company
    Trek Bikes, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Sam Foos
  • Design Team
  • Project Link
Trek is well-known for pioneering bicycles thanks to our dedication to engineering and design so creating innovative helmets was a feat we were willing to take on. For years manufacturers have focused on lighter weights and better aerodynamics, but the basic design of a traditional EPS foam bicycle helmet has not really changed in over 30 years. The one you bought in the 90’s is pretty much the same one you can get today. With more people riding bikes than participating in any other sport we knew products that could lower the risk of certain injuries didn’t mean making sacrifices to design.
Photo Credit: Trek Bikes
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