wümgo protective child carrier

PrizesWinner in Children Products/Safety
Companywümgo , United States
Lead DesignerTeresa Tito
Design TeamTeresa Tito, James M. Ibon, Kenneth A. Gross, Michael I. Fineberg, Martin H. Dalgaard, David Moore
ClientTeresa Tito
Project Link
Bio I am an artist. I am currently creating my most important work. I invented wümgo, a protective child carrier. I was awarded a utility patent last year on Mothers Day. It is important for me to know that I am working every day to offer parents a safer way to carry their children. Currently every 30 minutes a child under the age of five is injured in a stroller or child carrier accident. A majority of these injuries result in traumatic brain injuries or skull fractures.
Inventor wümgo
Founder Publisher i4Design Magazine
Founder CEO and Stylist Parlor Salon and Day Spa
Other prizes Teresa Tito Inventor United States Patent protective child carrier "Best New Magazine" Teresa Tito Founder and Publisher i4design Magazine and Bates Creative Group Teresa Tito Founder Parlor Salon Readers Choice Award Top Colorist Today's Chicago Woman Modern Salon Magazine "Best Little Gem"