2020 / Design For Society / Design for Elders / Professional

INO - Care chair

  • Prizes
    Winner in Design for Society/Design for Elders
  • Company
    Pars Pro Toto _ Product Design, Belgium
  • Lead Designer
    Koert Vanoverbeke
  • Design Team
    Matthias De Smedt, Simon Vandoorne, Koert Vanoverbeke
  • Client
    Moments Furniture NV
  • Other credit
    Photo's By Moments Furniture And Pars Pro Toto
Our client asked us to come up with a new design of a care chair that responds to a changing need: more and more elderly grow old at their homes. These people deserve a nice looking chair that evolves with their needs. Provide us a care chair that takes into account the following requirements: a home-like appearance, light(er) in use and space-saving.
In day clinics (growing trend!), the INO also replaces expensive beds.
The INO is at the same time a displacement chair (instead of the stigmatizing wheelchairs and brutaly designed care furniture), a comfort chair and an ergonomic lounger.
Photo Credit: Pars Pro Toto _ Product Design
Credits: Photo's by Moments Furniture and Pars Pro Toto
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