2020 / Home Interior Products / Tableware / Student

One Plus Three

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in Home Interior Products/Tableware
  • Lead Designer
    LvHuaBin,LiJunJie, ZhangJunYi
  • Design Team
    LiJunJie, ZhangJunYi
  • Other credit
    Photo By:lijunjie, Zhangjunyi
  • University
    Huashang College Guangdong University of Finance&economics
In the integration of eastern and western cultures, this tableware design can meet the actual needs of different cultural backgrounds. Based on the guiding principles of structuralism and morphological aesthetics, we carry out ecological reconstruction design for this set of tableware. Not only give a set of tableware for two western or three Chinese food use function, but also has the form of "portable", make it the integration of Chinese chopsticks and western spoon, fork, knife and all the use of functions to be designed.
Photo Credit: Lvhuabin,lijunjie, Zhangjunyi
Credits: photo by:LiJunJie, ZhangJunYi
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