/ Life Science Design
/ Physical therapy and therapy products
/ Student

PrizesWinner in Life Science Design/Physical therapy and therapy products
Lead DesignerShaunak Patel, Viviane Hernandez
Project Link
UniversitySavannah College of Art and Design
In the USA, about 1 million people suffer from migraines every day. A majority of patients opt for medication that relieves temporarily. The solution to frequent migraines was Apapacho. Patients can use it anywhere and cure themselves of the migraine attack with a nap. The product soothes and balances the senses. Its surface provides the patient with a cozy hug, added by a calming aroma, climate control, and soothing music. When they use it over a certain period, they learn to control migraines by naturally balancing their senses. Using it eventually leads to total liberation from migraines.
Photo Credit: Shaunak Patel, Viviane Hernandez