/ Media And Home Electronics
/ Electronic Device Accessory
/ Professional
Fold - Wireless Charger

PrizesWinner in Media and Home Electronics/Electronic Device Accessory
CompanyBlond , United Kingdom
Lead DesignerJames Melia
Design TeamGreg Furniaux, Ewan Alston, Dana Salmanzadeh
Project Link
Fold is a wireless charging solution that enables the user to charge up to three products simultaneously. Besides the functional motives and user benefits, we explored how the tech world can create more sustainable products and raise awareness of the environmental impact of electronics. Other comparable charging mats are built by sandwiching dozens of different materials between layers of glue; Fold has been stripped back to its most basic necessities, creating an almost skeletal aesthetic - but importantly, this enables the product to be disassembled for maintenance and conscious disposal.
Photo Credit: Blond