/ Media And Home Electronics
/ TV, Video and Audio Equipment
/ Professional
The ION Digital Scent Device

PrizesWinner in Media and Home Electronics/TV, Video and Audio Equipment
CompanyOVR Technology, Switzerland
Lead DesignerErik Cooper
Design TeamErik Cooper, Matt Flego, Aaron Wisniewski, Sarah Socia
Project Link
OVR Technology, introduces the first wearable scent technology that is both spatial and personal, the ION. The ION provides wireless sensory experiences for XR through a combination of hardware, software, and scentware with corresponding developer tools to effortlessly enabled nearly any content, on nearly any device to now be multisensory. Working with HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D printing, OVR Technology was able to produce a lightweight wearable product whose surface is smooth enough to prevent scent molecules from getting trapped, resulting in a more realistic, immersive virtual environment.
Photo Credit: Ovr Technology