2022 / Outdoor And Exercise Equipment / Patio/Garden Furniture and Accessories / Professional

Kedry Skylife

  • Prizes
    Winner in Outdoor and Exercise Equipment/Patio/Garden Furniture and Accessories
  • Company
    KE Protezioni Solari Srl, Italy
  • Lead Designer
    KE R&D Office
Kedry Skylife employs a retractable, mobile blade roof that allows adjustment of both light intensity and air ventilation. With a single, smooth movement, louvers rotate and retract simultaneously, providing quick and easy fine-tuning of personal comfort at the touch of a button. Perfectly suited for either residential or commercial settings, Kedry Skylife is designed to perform beautifully protecting from intense sun, wind and rain as well, thanks to its integrated and completely hidden water drainage system.
Photo Credit: Ke Protezioni Solari Srl