2022 / Education / Teaching Aids / Student

Vena 6

  • Prizes
    Winner in Education/Teaching Aids
  • Lead Designer
    Devin Rooney
  • Design Team
    Devin Rooney, Nikki Ciocari
  • University
    Savannah College of Art and Design
Vena 6 is an autonomous coral reef system powered by off shore wind and solar energy that monitors coral health in order to prevent and heal coral bleaching while maintaining a thriving, biodiverse reef. Through the manipulation of biorock, electromagnetic energy, crustose coralline algae, and terracotta tiles we created an underwater system designed to provide reefs assistance in revitalizing until they can successfully regenerate on their own. Aquariums would install a scale model as a site to connect people to the importance of coral reefs while providing an educational experience.
Photo Credit: Devin Rooney