2023 / Work (office) / Office Furniture / Student

AHT Desk

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in WORK (Office)/Office Furniture
  • Lead Designer
    Yen Chang, Prof. Kai-Chu Li
  • Design Team
    Yen Chang, Yu-Chieh Sun, Yueh-Ju Chou, Yu-Chieh Chien, Prof. Kai-Chu Li
  • Project Link
  • University
    National Taipei University of Education
Adjustable Height Tilt (AHT) desk is a desk designed for pregnant women with adjustable height and inclination, which can alleviate the limitation of pregnant women's sitting posture due to their large belly. Different from the existing vertical lifting table, AHT desk adjusts the height and inclination of the table with Z-axis and y-axis to cooperate with pregnant women with different belly circumference and height to achieve instant switching between standing and sitting mode. It also provides the benefits of standing office for general workers, improves productivity and concentration.
Photo Credit: Yen Chang, Prof. Kai-chu Li
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