2023 / Packaging Design / Sustainable Packaging: Other Designs / Professional

Choppy bike

  • Prizes
    Winner in PACKAGING DESIGN/Sustainable Packaging: Other Designs
  • Company
    STUM SIA, Latvia
  • Lead Designer
    Aldis Blicsons
  • Design Team
    Aldis Blicsons, Toms Grīnbergs, Gatis Grandāns
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Stora Enso (packaging), Gints Rudzītis (drawings)
Wooden balance bike Choppy features an innovative design without a single screw. Any adult can assemble the Choppy bike and adjust its height without using any tools. Seat and handlebars can be adjusted to the height of the little rider. The springy bike seat will protect the child’s back.
It uses FSC cardboard for 100% recyclable packaging, with only one-color ink on the box. No glue used in the construction of the package. It is made as compact as possible and use the least amount of material, because a compact design saves space and fuel. Packaging inner box has a board game printed on it.
Photo Credit: Stum Sia
Credits: Stora Enso (packaging), Gints Rudzītis (drawings)
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