2023 / Home (household Products) / Interior Decoration Products / Professional


  • Prizes
    Winner in HOME (Household Products)/Interior Decoration Products
  • Company
    Own Studio, Poland
  • Lead Designer
    Mateusz Halek
  • Design Team
    Paweł Halek
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Paweł Halek
TWIST is a new, elegant way to store and present wine. Made of wood, it is distinguished not only by its unique material but also by its exceptionally slender form. Creating the product involves manually molding several layers of veneer into two elements, which, when combined, form a stable structure for bottles. This rack stores wine and serves as a decorative element that adorns the living room space, resembling a subtly contoured sculpture. The naturalness of the material adds authenticity to the product, while the texture of the wood affects the senses, evoking positive emotions.

OWN Studio is a creative manufactory specializing in the design and production of unique wooden products. It creates wine racks, furniture and interior decorations in a modern form, from specially selected and seasoned wood.

Photo Credit: Own Studio
Credits: Paweł Halek