2023 / Eco Design / Green Urban Solutions / Student

Plant Base - The New Garden

  • Prizes
    Winner in ECO DESIGN/Green Urban Solutions
  • Lead Designer
    Jonas Krämer
  • University
    Hochschule Hannover
The Plant Base is an all-new urban gardening system that can be easily mounted on almost any architectural structure. It was designed to enhance urban living quality for the users as well as for the whole region and help fight against climate change. The gardening system allows most of us to own a garden by offering space we already forgot about and thus creating a green city together. Unused vertical space is everywhere and empty gray facades leave enough room for a real big green city jungle.

Bio Jonas Krämer is a multidisciplinary German Industrial Designer who seeks to create meaningful connections between rational and emotional aspects in his work. He delves into both major societal issues and the mundane things of everyday life, prioritizing long-lasting solutions that meet high standards of form, aesthetics, and functionality. With a background in craftsmanship, he emphasizes the physical connection to his designs. Formal reduction and the tactile dimension hold special significance in his approach to design.

Other prizes 2021 UNIVERSAL DESIGN Award, 2021 IAUD International Design Award, 2022 Green Concept Award - Pre-Selection

Photo Credit: Jonas Krämer
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