2023 / Eco Design / Sustainable: Conceptual Designs / Student

FRESH——Family Food Steward

  • Prizes
    Winner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Conceptual Designs
  • Lead Designer
    Deyin Zhang
  • Design Team
    Herui Guo, Chengyi Shen, Wenyi Shao, Longyu Zhang
  • University
    Zhejiang University
FRESH, manage your fridge and reduce food waste.
In response to the huge food waste caused by overbuying and hoarding food in the refrigerator, we designed FRESH, which indicates food shelf life information and intelligently recommends recipes through three colors. In addition, FRESH can provide food waste statistics to users to educate them on sustainable consumption and food waste reduction. With user permission, these data can support FAO and WHO in collecting, analyzing and using global diet data to provide guiding recommendations for sustainable agricultural development.
Photo Credit: Deyin Zhang