2023 / Eco Design / Sustainable: Eco Design Products / Student


  • Prizes
    Winner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Eco Design Products
  • Lead Designer
    Li biao
  • Design Team
    Li biao,Yin zhe xin,Hu zhong yuan
  • University
    South China University of Technology
According to the survey data of the United Nations,the plastion production capacity is expected to double again by 2040.Plastic pollution has followed.The total amount of plastic in the sea has reached about 150 million tons.This is an urgent problem to be solved.Therefore,the plastic waste on the water surface is recycled in a design way to reduce the harm to organisms and human beings.And recycling of existing garbage from the ocean is the most direct and effective way to reduce the current stock.Therefore,this design uses fivsub-systems to complete the purpose of recycling plastic garbage.
Photo Credit: Li Biao
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