2023 / Eco Design / Sustainable: Home Products / Student


  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Home Products
  • Lead Designer
    Yumeng Li, Zongheng Sun
  • Design Team
    Soft Matters Group
  • Project Link
  • University
    Harvard University / Graduate School of Design
MooiMist is a biomaterial-based, artistic aroma diffuser with color-coded olfactory notation providing a multi-sensory experience, and inclusively benefits smell-disordered users, especially post-pandemic, 50-70% of convalescents suffering from decreased or distorted smell requiring visual-coded aromatherapy assist for recovery.

MooiMist fabricates a fluid interface where the mist wreaths like waterfalls and the scents blend in sequence. Detachable diffuser panels fit diverse essential oils, separating the oil from the water and electronic parts to avert damaging the mist generator.
Photo Credit: Yumeng Li, Zongheng Sun
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