2023 / Home (household Products) / Bathroom: Taps and Shower Heads / Professional

Add-on Shower

  • Prizes
    Winner in HOME (Household Products)/Bathroom: Taps and Shower Heads
  • Company
    Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Korea, Republic of
  • Lead Designer
    Young Jun Ko
  • Design Team
    Youngjun Ko, Wonsup Kim, Woong Choi, Seahoon Jung, Seonju Woo
Many wheelchair users prefer to shower while sitting on a toilet, as the narrow restroom does not allow them, in their wheelchair, to reach the shower located at the end of the restroom. Additionally, some elderly people with weak lower bodies also find it more comfortable to wash themselves while seated on a toilet. The Add-on shower, attached to the side of the basin, allows both disabled individuals and the elderly to sit and shower conveniently.
Photo Credit: Seoul National University Of Science & Technology