2023 / Educational / Educational Tools / Student

FRUITS - Puzzle of Smell

  • Prizes
    Winner in EDUCATIONAL/Educational Tools
  • Lead Designer
    Chih-Chia Chien
  • University
    Shih Chien University
According to research, children's brains can benefit and grow significantly through olfactory learning. FRUITS - Puzzle of Smell is designed with the appearance and smell of common fruits in Taiwan. Starting with the olfactory experience, it combines the form of a 3D puzzle to create a complete fruit olfactory experience and recognize the taste of sour, sweet, and bitter. The fruit peel uses different materials of non-woven fabric to restore the real touch. Each fruit has a piece containing an aroma stone, allowing the fragrance to diffuse throughout the entire fruit.
Photo Credit: Chih-chia Chien
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