2023 / Eco Design / Sustainable: Consumer Electronics Products / Professional

r507 H2O battery-free remote control

  • Prizes
    Winner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Consumer Electronics Products, Top Design Winner in ECO DESIGN/Green: Solar Powered Appliances, Winner in CONSUMER ELECTRONICS/Home Appliances: Small
  • Company
    ruwido austria gmbh, Austria
  • Lead Designer
    ruwido austria gmbh
equipped with a solar cell r507 H2O is a battery-free remote control, which combines outstanding sustainability with a brilliant tactile feeling. the solar cell stretches over the entire surface of the remote control and is deliberately kept visible to capture the maximum light and energy. the remote has a physical storage instead of a non-sustainable chemical storage like a lithium rechargeable batteries. if in rare cases the energy harvested by light is not enough, the H2O remote can be charged within seconds on a wireless charger that, if needed, can be integrated with the set-top-box.
Photo Credit: Ruwido Austria Gmbh