2023 / Eco Design / Sustainable: Conceptual Designs / Professional


  • Prizes
    Winner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Conceptual Designs
  • Company
    Forest & Whale, Singapore
  • Lead Designer
    Gustavo Maggio
  • Design Team
    Wendy Chua, Pharaon Siraj
  • Client
    Naya Studio
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Photos By Forest & Whale
Wallflower redefines our home gardening experience with plants. It transforms seeds into art, giving them a constant presence and visibility in our living environment.
Wallflower is a subtle reminder for us to rekindle our relationship with nature. To germinate the seeds, simply tear off one colour chip embedded with the seeds of the herbs you desire and grow it on soil.
Each colour represents a particular herb so one can trace the types of herbs one has planted over time.
The wall art evolves, and finally disappears, without waste, when all the seeds are planted.
Photo Credit: Forest & Whale
Credits: Photos by Forest & Whale