2024 / Hobby & Sports / Fitness Equipment: Cardio / Professional

Symbio Runner

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in HOBBY & SPORTS/Fitness Equipment: Cardio
  • Company
    Life Fitness, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Internal Design Team
  • Other credit
    Photos By Syn, Uk
The Symbio Runner design language is defined by clean forms that are continuous across multiple materials. Cast aluminum components elevate the product to align with the luxury spaces for which it was designed. Gloss accents divide large surfaces and add a premium touch.

The Adaptive Flex Deck allows the exerciser to customize the running surface based on comfort preference, or to support a variety of training modalities. Integrated sensors detect footfalls to provide performance metrics like stride length and left/right balance, as well as coaching on running efficiency and injury prevention
Photo Credit: Life Fitness
Credits: Photos by SYN, UK
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