2024 / Industrial / Healthcare: Medical Products / Professional

HbA1c Diabetes Monitor | Tape Specialities

  • Prizes
    Winner in INDUSTRIAL/Healthcare: Medical Products
  • Company
    ITERATE, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
    Robert Riley
  • Design Team
    Chris Tyler, Gethin Roberts
  • Client
    Tape Specialities
  • Other credit
    Matt Bryan (tape Specialities Project Lead)
The Tape Specialities’ game-changing diabetes self-management system allows users to easily and frequently measure both their HbA1c and BG glucose levels anywhere, anytime. HbA1c is a crucial indicator to measure, as it provides a longer-term average of an individual’s blood glucose levels over an extended period of time, often 2-3 months. Care strategy for people with type 2 diabetes includes a HbA1c test at a clinic every 6-months. Being able to measure HbA1c at home will give them better control of their diabetes and help reduce the risk of developing dangerous complications significantly.
Photo Credit: Iterate
Credits: Matt Bryan (Tape Specialities Project Lead)
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