2024 / Personal / Other Personal Products / Professional


  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in PERSONAL/Other Personal Products
  • Company
    Gilley, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
  • Design Team
    Centreline, Reid Jacoby, Trib Gosain
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    John Mouratis, Annie Kruntcheva, Thomas Caminada
With a modern experience and beautiful British design, Gilley is the umbrella that's engineered to solve the headaches we've all felt using umbrellas: A unique hard, watertight case to pop your umbrella into when wet means it’s instantly dry to put away in your pocket or bag; It's sturdy in the strongest of winds (up to 30mph, to be exact); It's the size of a 500ml reusable water bottle, and slimmer and lighter too. The ultimate commuting companion; 1 billion umbrellas end up in landfill each year. Gilley is set up to stop this happening by providing an umbrella you'll love.
Photo Credit: Gilley
Credits: John Mouratis, Annie Kruntcheva, Thomas Caminada
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