/ Eco Design
/ Sustainable: Eco Design Products
/ Student
ROOFTOPIA- Shelter on the eaves

PrizesWinner in ECO DESIGN/Sustainable: Eco Design Products
Lead DesignerRuonan ZHENG
Design TeamRuonan ZHENG
UniversityTsinghua University
ROOFTOPIA means utopia on the roof. This design is a tile-shaped bird's nest module made of recycled wheat straw, which provides shelter and protection for birds under the same sky. Wheat straw is an agricultural waste with high yield and wide source, but shows good biophilia and sustainability. The tile-type artificial nest box adopts modular construction form to mold the recycled wheat straw that birds like to inhabit, to help create environmentally friendly urban buildings. ROOFTOPIA expects that more birds can comfortably perch on the eaves and be sheltered by a tile!
Bio Ruonan Zheng, a master's student in the Department of Industrial Design at the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University. Her research interests are product design and transportation interior design. She was awarded the China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship for Art Talents to pursue a double degree at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano in Italy. She mainly engages in creative product and speculative design projects, and shows great talents in material innovation.

Photo Credit: Ruonan Zheng