/ Home (household Products)
/ Kitchen: Blenders & Juicers
/ Student
Simplend Ultra

PrizesWinner in HOME (Household Products)/Kitchen: Blenders & Juicers
Lead DesignerTiancheng Feng
Design Teamindividual
Project Link
Other creditPhoto By: Awei Huang
UniversityRhode Island School of Design
How can we design a multifunctional kitchen set for preparing ingredients—washing, cutting, or blending—while saving space and enhancing efficiency? The product falls under small electric kitchen appliances, focusing on powered hand tools that improve over non-powered alternatives. This set should have a cohesive design, function as a single unit, but separate based on user needs. It promotes health and wellness by making daily cooking easier and encouraging healthy meals. Future research will explore the mechanical aspects, an area not fully addressed in prior studies.

Photo Credit: Tiancheng Feng
Credits: Photo by: Awei Huang