2024 / Work (office) / Office Supplies & Stationery / Student

PlaceablePen Holder

  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in WORK (Office)/Office Supplies & Stationery
  • Lead Designer
    Di Lu
  • Design Team
    Di Lu,Guanghui Huang,Fangtian Ying
This is an innovative design for a pen holder. The form comes from harmonizing the pen holderwith the basket.
In the daily learning and creative work, in addition to the use of pens, always use a variety ofsmall stationery to work with them, such as erasers, knives, tape, pencil sharpeners and so on.
Through the design of the Placeable Pen Holder, it not only meets the function of storage forpens, but also provides temporary storage and placement of small desktop sundries. In keepingthe desktop neat and tidy at the same time to help people develop a good habit of timely storage.
Photo Credit: Di Lu
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