2024 / Toys, Gaming & Leisure / Toys: Scientific & Optical / Student


  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in TOYS, GAMING & LEISURE/Toys: Scientific & Optical
  • Lead Designer
    Guo Jingkai
  • Design Team
    Guo Jingkai,Gu Jie,Zhu Chuqiu
  • University
    China University of Mining and Technology
StellarVoyage, an astronomical telescope designed for urban children. StellarVoyage provides clear stargazing capabilities, allowing city kids living in high-rise buildings to easily access and explore astronomy, making the sky and stars feel closer than ever. StellarVoyage also comes with a set of insertable educational cards covering astronomy knowledge like constellations and planetary motion. We hope children can enhance their learning efficiency through hands-on activities and enjoy the fun of exploring the universe.
Photo Credit: Guo Jingkai
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